Never thought I would say the words "snowed in" here in Gulf Shores. We have had a record breaking snow event, some stats say it's been over a hundred years since anything like this, I walked around all day shaking my head and thinking where have I been transported to. There were moments the news casters were describing as blizzard conditions,can you imagine that. It did come down fast and furious for over 12 hours with up to 8 inches at my little place on the bay! Interestingly I had been painting scenes of children in the snow, during a recent art class. At first as I was painting, thinking , I can't really relate to this. Then Zapp the universe delivered me something to help me relate. So I'm introducing my "Snowy Figures" series, orginal acyrilic paintings by me compositition and design by Ali Kay Studios. They are available for purchase on my web site. if you would like some seasonal pieces.
